Learn how to do an individual football training session.

Included, the best soccer drills to do by yourself.

How do I train for individually?

There are a lot of factors that will decided if you become a football or not.

In our opinion, the number 1 is:


  • How hard do you train football individually?


Have you heard of the 10.000 hour saying? You have to put this amount of time to become an expert at something.

When you train football alone you get to know and understand yourself as a soccer player.

You will also improve much faster than the other players!

individual soccer training exercises to do by yourself


To do an individual football training session you need to have clear what parts of your game you want to practise and what exercises you’re going to perform for each part.

When you train for soccer alone you have to do it with a clear goal, focusing on what you want to improve and work on in the session. If you have this clear from the start, you will be doing the training exercises and drills with a purpose, and therefore improve fast!

You also need to train the different aspects of your game:

Is also crucially important that you understand what your weaknesses and strengths are as a soccer player, and prioritise your individual football training session on practising the weaker parts of your game.

After you’ve identified these, you need to know the different individual drills you have at your disposal to improve each part of your game, which is what this article is all about!


We have spoken with a few of the players in Alicante Football Academy and they have said that the best individual football training drills are:


  • The speed M exercise: A simple individual soccer drill where you add cones in a figure M shape and sprint with the ball around them with high intensity. We explain this exercise more in depth in the speed section.
  • Free kicks: A classic exercise that can be done even without a keeper or a wall. When you train by yourself, the focus should be on making the perfect contact with the ball. Knowing how to kick the ball correctly when you’re not under pressure will create a natural connection in your brain that will make it easier to do a good shot when you’re under pressure.
  • One-touch control training: Kicking the ball in any direction and trying to get it completely under control with one touch should be perfected by yourself, so when a real life game situation comes, your touch will be flawless!


These are the individual soccer drills we encourage the players to do the most in Alicante Football Academy, and they are made to improve a specific part of your game as fast as possible, so you can improve and join a football club or academy as fast as possible.

The list is divided into types of exercises you can do by yourself and exercises you can do with your team, and even the latter one is with your team, it’s still focused on improving yourself individually.


Technique is crucial to improve your touch, passing, skills, ball control, crosses, and more. Basically, anything the requires you to deal with the ball in some kind of way.

Technique soccer drills by yourself

If you want to play in Europe you have to have a good technique, so the first exercise works on your touch and technique. It’s so simple to do that you can do it completely by yourself and with no gear.

Bounce the ball on the floor as hard as possible and as it comes down, try to take it in its stride with an orientated control. To do it as fast as possible, it’s better if you let the ball bounce slightly and then take it in your stride. Similar to the small bounce you do with a half volley. Practise this control going forward, left, right and backwards. Also, don’t forget to do it with your weak foot!

The objective of this exercise is to master your control of the ball when it comes in an unwanted way. You won’t always get the perfect pass in the floor, sometimes, the ball might come in the air, knee level, bouncing, and more, so the mor prepared you are to do this in a game the better!


Speed is crucial in modern football, and nowadays, it’s focused on sprints, quick feet and agility.

The more fluid and sharp you can be, the harder you will be to defend (or get attacked if you’re a defender) and the higher chance you will get of getting spotted and signed by a club.

Speed soccer exercises by yourself

This exercise is to make you faster and more explosive, and it’s a killer! Add 4 cones in a square, and make sure that each one is 10 meters apart from the other. Finally, add a cone in the middle of the square. To do the exercise you have to run from one cone to another, then sprint to the cone in the middle and perform a faint from left to right as quickly as possible, image as if you are trying to get away from an opponent in a corner with a left-right faint. After that, run to the other cone and turn for a final sprint to the end cone. The complete sprint should be like the figure of the letter ‘M’. Perform this 5 times in a row and rest.

With this drill, you have to focus on getting your body low everytime you change direction and to do it as explosive as possible. On the longer sprints from cone to cone, make fast long strides to cover the distance quick.

“We always teach the player to be composed in front of goal”

Academy Head Coach Julio Bonmatí


Finishing refers to scoring goals, if you’re able to improve your scoring percentage, which means, every time you shoot, try to score and many times as possible, the more effective and reliable you will be to be given chances or getting signed for a pro contract.

Finishing exercises by yourself

It can be a bit tricky to work on finishing alone and trying to mimic the pressure you will get in a 1v1 with a keeper.

The way some of our academy players do it is to sprint as fast as possible with the ball from the center of the field to the goal, then, try to compose yourself once you’re inside the goal and try to score a goal bouncing the ball from one of the posts inside.

Doing it this way, you mimic the intensity with the long sprint, then the composure to regain control on your body and the ball after the long run, and then the accuracy needed to score by trying to aim for a ‘post-in’ goal. This can be done even without a keeper!


The tactical side of the game is often overlooked, and quite honestly, especially if you want to play in Europe, this is one of the first things football scouts will be looking at.

A big part of being good tactically is understanding the game and knowing what role you play in the game to try to win.

The 11 players in the field should work in sync to try to achieve to score and to not let the opponent score, as simple as that! These easy exercises will let open your mind a bit and let you think while you’re doing an exercise.

Tactical soccer exercises by yourself

This is an awareness exercise that improves your vision in the field, so you know who is around you at all times, this is crucial to be a successful player in Spain. Being know where the ball, the opponents and your team mates in the field will improve your tactical knowledge and football IQ, and you will be able to make better decisions.

This one is simple but very effective if you get used to it. Dribble around the field with the ball without looking at it at all. Keep looking in every direction and also behind you. You might get dizzy at first, but keep trying and you will see that you start to control the ball without having to look at it.

Try to change direction a lot and make it ‘difficult for yourself’, and keep trying to look less and less at the ball and more behind your shoulders and in front on you.

“Defending is crucial in modern football, when we take players to trials, the clubs always look at how the kid defends”

Head of Academy Lauri Nakstrom


Everyone has to know how to defend. This is one of the most common points of improvement we see in Alicante Football Academy and we always make exercises that require some kind of defensive skill.

The defensive part of the game are 1 on 1’s, aerial challenges, positioning and blocking.

Defensive exercises by yourself

One simple defensive exercise by yourself is to kick the ball high and try to jump, in sync with the ball, to try to hit it at the highest point.

Practising this will improve your coordination and it will make you win more aerial challenges.


Your weak foot is so important in football and is one of the easiest parts of your game to improve.

There’s no secret to improving it, you just have to repeat and repeat until you get rid of that uncomfortable feeling every time you use it.

Whether you’re by yourself or with your club, we’ve got you covered!

Individual weak foot soccer drills

This exercise improves the technique of your weak foot because you have to do lots of small touches with the ball under control.

Place 4 cones in a square, and dribble from cone to cone, doing very short and quick inside and outside touches with your weak foot. Once you have gone around the square 1 time, then, go around again sprinting with the ball as fast as possible, dribbling still, only with your weak foot.

This exercise mimics both types of situations you will be exposed in a game, which is short and sharp controls of the ball, and fast and explosive sprints.

Try plant your strong foot correctly in the ground and push yourself of it with explosivity, and do this keeping the ball under control with every part of your weak foot.


When you do an individual soccer training you need to make sure you’re working at least 3 parts of your game (we’ve explained 6 parts in this article).

Then you have to make sure you write some small goals for your training and check if you’ve completed them after the individual soccer training session.

Added to this, when you train by yourself is important to acknowledge the limitations of the training. With this we mean that you have to make sure that you’re able to adapt the skills and abilities you’ve earned by yourself to use them efficiently when you train with other players or play in a soccer game. This is crucial to impress the football scouts when they come to find players!

You might think football scouts are looking for players in games, but it’s very common for them to also come to training sessions, especially with the younger ages.

Have you ever thought, how do I get scouted in football?

Well, they are looking for you to have good technique, speed, defence, psychical attributes, tactical awareness and competitive hunger. These are the parts of your game you should be looking to improve by yourself!

If you can show a high level of these parts of your game in all the training drills you will impress them.

Also, going back to the point of adapting your individual training to a group training, football scouts and coaches need to see that you understand the specific exercise you’re working on. For example, if you do a scrimmage game with your team that is focused on movement on the field and tactics, from the outside, they have to see that you are trying to understand and perform the right movements, rather than perhaps trying skills or making lots of touches when the ball comes to you.

Showing that you can listen to the coach, understand the drills instructions and the objective, and try your best to do it, as well and doing it better every time, will show that you have the ability to improve. This is crucial because scouts are looking to get players that have the potential to become even better under their club.

The image below shows some of the Academy players that have signed with teams in Spain:


There’s so many exercises out there, but we think the M speed exercise is one of the most complete because it works your speed, endurance, dribbling, touch and physicality. We’ve explain this individual exercise in the speed exercises section of the page.

A complete individual soccer session should be around 2 hours long. The session could be split into warm up, physical exercises, technical exercises, game situations, competitive games, and goal scoring and creative exercises.

A good number of times to train by yourself is 3 times a week, and if is possible, 5 times a week is optimal.

The important part is to make the most out of the session with the tips we’ve given you in the article.

The perfect individual soccer session could be split into warm up, physical exercises, technical exercises, game situations, competitive games, and goal scoring and creative exercises.


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